
Shetland Pony Stud

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Birchmoor ponies have the perfect temperament for showing, riding and driving. All but one of our stallions, passed and present have been ridden and driven, most of our larger mares have been ridden at some time in their life when not breeding. A working stud with five stallions on offer, we accept up to ten visiting mares each stud season.

Birchmoor Amadeus Sire:- Birchmoor Icon 3891 Dam:- Eastlands Admiration 12312
Towerwood Cresta 3442 (grand sire Wells Vijay) A Stallion who has left a significant mark on the stud and the sire of so many of our best show blacks.
Birchmoor Amadeus Sire Birchmoor Icon 3891 Dam Eastlands Admiration 12312

Amadeus and some stud history;
Supreme Champion Glyn Greenwood 1997,only Shetland to have been awarded this title
Shown under saddle since 1997 and now professionally broken to drive.

Show awards in 2002,
1st coloured Stallion, Overall Supreme Champion Stallion SPS-BS.
This is the third time Amadeus has been supreme stallion at the breed show.
Best Shetland overall Lincoln County Show
2nd standard stallion. Coloured Ch, Res standard Ch overall Sussex Show.
1st &Res Ch Shetland The Great Yorkshire Show.

1st & Ch Shetland Oldcoates.
1st & Ch standard shet, supreme Overall Ch Shetland Lincs and East Midlands Native Assoc.
1st &Ch Shetland Northern Horse.
lst &Ch Shet Wolsingham and Wear Valley.
1st &small breeds M/M Ch, lst Ch Shetland North of England Summer Championship Show
lst &Ch Shetland P.U.K. Summer Championships.
1st & Ch Shetland, Glyn Greenwood Champion, Supreme Overall M/M Ch Snaith.
1st &Ch Shet, NPS Silver medal winner, Kilmannan Ch, (2003 qualified)
Glyn Greenwood Ch (2003 qual). Supreme Overall M/M Ch Moorgreen.
1st & Ch Shetland Westmorland County Show
1st & Ch  Shetland, Supreme M/M Ch. Bowes
In total since we started showing him as a three year old, Amadeus has been awarded
75 Firsts, 39 Championships, 14 Res.Championships and 12 (Supreme Overall Ch. of Show),7 (Res.Supreme Overall Ch of Show)

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